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酒店高参任命 每周二与酒店高参相约酒店高层任命,不见不散!酒店高参投稿邮箱:hotel@hoteln.cn,传讯总监加编辑微信号:hoteled,可申请加入酒店高参传讯联盟。 最新任命 2020年第20期 1、西安君悦酒店任命酒店总经理——乔根才先生 近日,凯悦酒店集团任命乔根才先生(Mr. Johnny Kiu)出任西安君悦酒店总经理一职。 乔先生自幼在香港长大,热爱酒店行业,善于沟通的性格使得他喜欢结交世界各地的友人。中学毕业后,乔先生在香港丽晶酒店港畔餐厅以餐饮实习生开始了他的酒店职业生涯。在随后的21年职业生涯中,他从餐饮基层员工稳步升至管理岗位,其工作足迹遍及香港,昆士兰州凯恩斯市,印度尼西亚东爪哇省泗水市,江苏省常州市,广东省中山市,四川省九寨沟,以及上海和重庆。与此同时,他还获得了黄金海岸格里菲斯大学的酒店管理学士学位。


2013年,乔先生加入凯悦酒店集团大家庭,担任贵阳中天凯悦酒店总经理一职,2015年担任武汉光谷凯悦酒店总经理一职以及2017年担任成都群光君悦酒店总经理一职。 “我很荣幸有这个机会来到古城西安,加入西安君悦酒店工作,”乔先生谈到他的新角色时说,“我将致力于为我们的客人、业主公司,和同事打造更好的酒店,以及一个充满关爱与欢乐的团队,希望带领大家再创佳绩。” Johnny Kiu has been appointed as General Manager of Grand Hyatt Xi’an effective from July 15,2020. Mr.Kiu grew up in Hong Kong and felt a career in the hotel industry would suit his amiablepersonality. “I love meeting people from different parts of the world.”After secondary school, Mr.Kiu commenced his hospitality career as a trainee waiter at the Harbourside restaurant at The Regent Hong Kong. Over the subsequent 21 years, he rose through F&B and management ranks in hotels and restaurants in Hong Kong; Cairns in Queensland; Surabaya in Indonesia; Changzhou in Jiangsu; Zhongshan in Guangdong; Jiuzhaigouin Sichuan; Shanghai; and Chongqing. During this time, he also attained a Degree in Hotel Management from Griffith University on the Gold Coast. In 2013, Mr.Kiu joined the Hyatt family as General Manager of Hyatt Regency Guiyang before moving in the same role to Hyatt Regency Wuhan in 2015 and Grand Hyatt Chengdu in 2017. “I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to work at this stunning hotel in the ancientcity of Xian,” says Mr.Kiu of his new role. “It’s a great opportunity to be part of the Grand Hyatt Xian team and I am committed to creating the best hotel for our guests, owners and colleagues.I plan to create a happy team resulting in good business results.” 2、世茂御榕·武夷度假酒店任命酒店总经理——高鲁先生 世茂集团倾力打造的国内首例宋代风格“舟行谧境”酒店——世茂御榕·武夷度假酒店将于今年八月盛大启幕。世茂喜达酒店集团任命高鲁先生为该酒店总经理,从酒店筹备开始,全面负责其首家奢华品牌度假酒店“御榕”的运营管理工作。 高鲁先生拥有二十多年的酒店管理经验,其职业足迹遍布中国多个城市,先后于香格里拉、新世界、喜达屋及格兰云天等多家国际酒店集团担任要职,对奢华品牌度假酒店有独到的运营及管理经验。他始终保持着对酒店行业的热爱及初心,大胆造梦、不拘一格,这份热情也常常鼓舞与他共事的酒店团队。高鲁先生深刻了解中华传统文化及历史,熟悉中西方古典文学,具有敏锐的市场洞察力、出色的美学鉴赏能力及匠心独运的创新能力。他深信,中华上下五千年的深厚文化根基将为塑造中国酒店品牌增加独特的个性及竞争优势,为推动民族酒店品牌走向世界舞台提供强大助力。 即将启幕的世茂御榕·武夷度假酒店是以宋代理学家朱熹的《九曲棹歌》为灵感打造的大型宋代风格建筑群,宾客可泛舟入店,曲水流连,犹在画中游。酒店融合了宋代传统文化的独特魅力、简雅韵致的美学理念、得天独厚的自然风光,必将重新定义武夷山这一旅行目的地,为宾客带来卓然不凡的度假体验。 3、福州东湖万豪酒店任命酒店总经理——高佳奇先生 福州东湖万豪酒店正式任命高佳奇先生为酒店总经理,他将全面负责酒店开业筹备阶段和酒店开业后的运营及战略管理工作。 高佳奇先生拥有18年国际品牌酒店工作及管理经验,他曾先后效力于上海浦东香格里拉大酒店、上海北外滩悦榕庄酒店、上海金桥红枫万豪酒店、北京金茂万丽酒店,并积累了丰富的国际品牌酒店管理经验。履新前,高佳奇先生在上海康桥万豪酒店任营运总监,并于2018年9月至2019年1月期间因酒店总经理空缺而代理总经理管理酒店工作。在任期间高佳奇先生严格执行市场战略计划,大力提高酒店在市场上的口碑及知名度。拥有资深运营背景的高佳奇先生,也曾荣获BMW亚洲10大杰出餐饮总监奖,通过他的创新管理及对餐饮理念、品质的打造,其所在酒店也荣获了“年度人气酒店自助餐”及“年度最受读者青睐酒店粤式餐厅”等餐饮类奖项,同年酒店在其管理下还荣获了“年度MICE酒店、年度亲子酒店、年度婚宴酒店等多项酒店奖项。 高佳奇先生对工作充满热情和执着。他积极向上,善于带领团队、勇于接受挑战,且有极强的责任心和执行能力,对酒店管理和营运有着自己独到的理解。作为福州滨海新城即将开业的万豪国际核心品牌酒店的新任总经理,高佳奇先生对福州东湖万豪酒店的开业及未来发展充满了信心。相信凭借其资深的运营经验、敏锐的市场洞察力、优秀的领导才能和创新思维,同时本着“创意无限、追求卓越”的精神和对品质的追求,他将带领酒店团队致力于将福州东湖万豪酒店打造成为福州酒店及餐饮业新标杆。 Marriott International is pleased to announce the appointment of Jacky Gao General Manager of Fuzhou Marriott Hotel Riverside. He will be fully responsible for hotel overall operation and strategic management during pre-opening period and after hotel opening. Mr. Jacky Gao has more than 18 years working experience in hospitality industry. He has served for Shangri-La Hotel East Shanghai, Banyan Tree Shanghai on the Bund, Marriot Hotel Pudong East, Renaissance Hotel Wangfujing Beijing and accumulate rich international hotel management experience. Prior to his current position, he was the director of operation of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Kangqiao. But due to GM vacancy, Jacky has a chance to fully in charge hotel management and operation on behalf of general manager during Sep.2018 till Jan.2019. During his term of management, Jacky strictly implement marketing strategy and plan, try his best to improve hotel reputation and images on the market which hotel achieved marvelous and impressive performance. With the strong operation background, Jacky Gao had been awarded to be the Top 10 Best Director of Food & Beverage of Asia Pacific by BMW Hotelier Award. Through his creative operation management, FB concept & quality cultivate, he was not only help hotel achieved many F&B awards such as: The Best Hotel Buffet of the year, The Editor’s Pick” of Hotel Cantonese Restaurant of the Year, but also awarded to be MICE Hotel of the Year, Family Hotel of the Year, Wedding Hotel of the Year. Jacky Gao is passionate and persistence to his work. He is good at team management and be bold in accepting work challenge with a positive attitude. He also has strong sense of responsibility and effective execution abilities. He has unique sight and understanding to hotel operation and management. As the new General Manager of a pre-opening core Marriott brand hotel under Marriott International which near Fuzhou Binhai new coastline. Jacky is confident on the opening and future business development of Fuzhou Marriott Hotel Riverside. With his professional operation experience, keen marketing insight, excellent leadership and creative mindset, and also in the light of pursuing excellence and inventive spirit, He will lead the Fuzhou Marriott Hotel Riverside team to create the new benchmark Hotel and F&B in Fuzhou Market. 4、沈阳国际皇冠假日酒店任命酒店总经理——徐华女士 近日,洲际酒店集团任命徐华女士就任沈阳国际皇冠假日酒店总经理一职,全面负责酒店的运营及管理工作。 徐华女士拥有30余年的酒店从业经验,曾在多个国际酒店管理集团担任总经理、驻店经理、运营经理及市场销售总监等管理职位,加入洲际酒店集团之前,她自2015年以来一直担任温德姆集团旗下多家酒店的总经理。丰富的国际品牌酒店管理经验,赋予了徐华女士非凡的领导力、洞察力以及对酒店行业独到的见解,凭借深厚的市场销售专业知识及扎实的酒店营运背景,徐华女士将带领沈阳国际皇冠假日酒店团队迎接全新的机遇与挑战,为宾客打造高品质的个性化服务与非凡体验。 InterContinental Hotels Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Betty Xu as the General Manager of Crowne Plaza Shenyang Parkview. In this role, Ms. Betty Xu will be in charge of daily operations and management of the hotel. Ms. Betty Xu has more than 30 years extensive experience in hospitality industry. She has worked with various international hotel management groups in positions of General Manager, Resident Manager, Operation Manager and Director of Sales & Marketing. Prior joining IHG, she has been taking the role of General Manager in few of the WYNDHAM hotels since 2015. Her solid diversified experience has endowed herself prominent leadership skills, insight and uniqueviews of hospitality industry. With her rich experience of hospitality management and leadership ability. We believe, Ms. Betty Xu will lead the team of Crowne Plaza Shenyang Parkview to meet new challenges and opportunities, and create high-quality personalized service and extraordinary experience for guests. 5、武汉保和皇冠假日酒店任命酒店总经理——郝金龙先生 近日,洲际酒店集团正式任命郝金龙先生为武汉保和皇冠假日酒店总经理。郝金龙先生拥有超过22年醇熟的酒店管理经验,从餐饮部宴会经理开始,曾先后在喜达屋、雅高集团多家酒店品牌任职运营及管理岗位。 郝金龙先生在上海嘉定喜来登酒店任行政助理经理一职时便加入高潜力人才计划,随后在2017年加入上海安亭皇冠假日酒店并成功入选洲际酒店集团总经理优才计划。凭借其强大的运营管理经验及洲际酒店集团文化的充分浸染,郝金龙先生于2017年6月被任命为张家界纳百利皇冠假日酒店总经理并在短时间内带领团队成功实现酒店的筹备开业。基于过去3年内成功的筹备运营及业绩表现,酒店业主方于2019年启动了第二阶段另外375间客房的改造建设并再次投入运营。 郝金龙先生是洲际酒店集团文化“成长空间”项目的成功典范,凭借敏锐的市场洞察力,丰富的酒店运营和提高客人满意度的经验以及出色的领导力,郝金龙先生对酒店市场定位和战略规划有着深入的思考和理解。我们坚信郝金龙先生将继续成功带领武汉保和皇冠假日酒店团队在“后疫情”时期创造诸多优秀业绩。 Recently, IHG announced the appointment of Mr. Jimson Hao as the General Manager of Crowne Plaza Wuhan Development zone. Mr. Jimson Hao is a seasoned hotelier with over 22 years of hospitality industry experience, he started his professional journey in food and beverage department as Banquet Manager and worked with various international hotel management groups including Starwood and Accor. Mr. Jimson Hao has been recognized as high potential talent in the position of Executive Assistant Manager in Sheraton Shanghai Jiading and been selected joining IHG GM Ready Program in 2017 with Crowne Plaza Shanghai Anting. With his strong operation background and experience, after immersion with IHG Culture, Mr. Jimson Hao has been appointed as General Manager of Crowne Plaza Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan in June 2017, he led the team taking care of the hotel pre-opening work and successfully opened the hotel within a very short time. Due to hotel excellent performance in past 3 years, owner launched its phase 2 renovation for this project last year, with additional 375 rooms have been opened end of 2019. Mr. Jimson Hao is a good example of IHG Culture of Room to Grow, with keen market insight, abundant knowledge of hotel operation and guest satisfaction as well as excellent leadership achievements, Mr. Jimson Hao has in-depth thinking and understanding of the hotel market positioning and strategic planning, we believe he will continue his great journey in IHG with his new appointment and lead Crowne Plaza Wuhan Development Zone a further success in the post-epidemic era. 6、莆田三迪希尔顿逸林酒店任命酒店总经理——杨波先生 近日,莆田三迪希尔顿逸林酒店正式任命杨波先生担任总经理一职,他将全面负责酒店管理及运营事务。 杨波先生拥有超过14年的酒店从业经验,其中前12年深耕于万豪集团和希尔顿集团的市场销售领域。他在市场销售领域的丰富经验使他在筹开酒店和运营酒店方面取得非凡成就并逐步成长为一名高级管理人员。 杨波先生于2018年成功升任为武汉光谷希尔顿酒店运营总监,在那里他获得了更为丰富和扎实的酒店运营经验。疫情期间,在武汉这座英雄城市,他带领运营团队成功接待了医疗团队,实现客人和团队成员零感染。 履新后,杨波先生将带领团队成员一起为酒店发展共同奋斗,共创佳绩。 We are delighted to announce the appointment of Byrds Yang as the General Manager of DoubleTree by Hilton Putian. Byrds Yang brings over 14 years of hospitality working experience, among which first 12 years in Commercial field of hotels under Marriott and Hilton. His rich experience in Commercial field under both pre-opening and trading status of the hotels helped him develop into senior management role at later stage. In 2018, Byrds has successfully transited to be Director of Operations in Hilton Wuhan Optical Valley where he has obtained more solid hotel operation’s experience. Most recently, in the hero city of Wuhan, he has led the operation team successfully to host medical team and prevent both customers and team members from the Covid-19. After assuming the new post, Byrds will lead the team members to work together for the development of the hotel and create great achievements. 7、上海外滩茂悦大酒店任命酒店行政副经理——陈弘先生 近日,上海外滩茂悦大酒店任命新任酒店行政副经理——陈弘先生。 陈弘在上海学习成长,毕业于上海大学酒店管理专业。其在1997年12月加入上海金茂君悦大酒店担任筹备开业人事部副经理,之后于2001年获晋升为人事部经理。2005年获晋升为人力资源 部经理。2006年2月,陈弘获委任为上海外滩茂悦大酒店筹备开业人力资源部总监,随后于2018年11月月获晋升为酒店行政副经理-人力资源部。 “我满怀期待去拥抱我新的角色,这将翻开我职业生涯中最重要的崭新篇章,”陈弘谈到他的新任命时说。“我将继续遵循关爱的凯悦信念,全力确保我们始终为客人和同事传递温暖及人性化的体验,助力他们尽善尽美显真我。” 陈弘先生说。 8、海口华彩华邑酒店任命市场销售总监——刘磊先生 近日,正式任命刘磊先生为酒店市场销售总监,于日前正式接任并全权负责酒店市场销售工作。 刘磊先生拥有12年海南度假酒店从业经验,曾就任于喜来登集团以及万豪集团旗下等国际品牌旗下酒店,上一家任职的酒店是神州半岛喜来登度假酒店和福朋酒店(复合型项目),他在市场营销、收益管理及公共关系方面拥有丰富的运作及管理经验。刘磊先生热衷于带领销售团队挑战收益管理及平均房价的提升,对市场有极高的敏锐力及洞察力。凭借极大的热情在过往酒店任职期间将酒店产品在社交媒体的展示和提升热度发挥到新的高度。 相信凭借刘磊先生敢于探索的精神、丰富的销售经验、卓越的领导才能以及谦逊的品质,将以全新的角色率领海口华彩华邑酒店的市场销售团队锐意进取实现收益管理最大化,不断提升营收并协同酒店团队致力于为宾客打造难忘的居停体验,将“礼、尊、和、达”为核心理念的中华待客之道融入贯通其中。 Recently, HUALUXE Haikou Seaview is pleased to announce that Mr. Jerry Liu has been selected as Director of Sales & Marketing. He will be responsible for hotel sales, marketing strategies, business development, catering & conference coordination, revenue management and communications. With 12 years of hospitality industry working experience at Hainan, Mr. Jerry Liu has worked for several international hotel groups such as Starwood Hotel Group and Marriot Hotel Group and etc., which bring his rich experiences in sales & marketing, revenue management and communications. Before joining HUALUXE Haikou Seaview, Mr. Jerry Liu was the Director of Sales & Marketing at Sheraton & Four Points Shenzhou Peninsula, and with a passion for challenging new height of revenue and ADR, he has a great understanding of this market and opportunities as well, which led the S&M team to achieve incredible performance. With his spirit of exploration, excellent leadership skills and humility, we believe that Mr. Jerry Liu will thrive in leading the team to expand more outstanding business and achieve greater success. 9、上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店任命市场销售总监——蔡溢文女士 上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店正式任命蔡溢文女士为市场销售总监,她将全面负责酒店的市场扩展和销售管理工作,带领市场销售团队创造辉煌佳绩。 蔡溢文女士在国际奢华酒店行业拥有丰富的经验,取得了显著的业绩和成就。在加入上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店之前,蔡溢文女士在上海四季酒店担任市场销售总监一职,并曾于上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店、上海扬子江万丽酒店等多家国际知名品牌任职。蔡溢文女士来自上海,获得香港理工大学酒店及旅游管理专业硕士学位,其丰富的营销战略、市场推广、公共关系和收益管理经验使她成为这一重要职位的不二人选。 蔡溢文女士的加入,将进一步确立和巩固上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店在行业中的卓越地位,传递宝丽嘉细致周到的服务,为宾客提供“至臻体验,岂止难忘”的宝丽嘉专属体验。作为一名管理者,她将进一步激发团队潜能,带领团队继续拓展市场,再创优秀业绩。 对于本次任命,上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店总经理张瑾女士说道:“我们非常高兴蔡溢文女士能够加入我们的团队。她拥有丰富的实践经验,作为一名卓越的管理者,我相信在她的领导和管理下,上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店将继续巩固在中国奢华酒店中的卓越地位,再创市场佳绩。” Bellagio by MGM Shanghai is pleased to announce Ms. Even Cai as Director of Sales and Marketing. With more than 15 years of experience in the hospitality industry, Even has a proven record of success managing sales and marketing initatives for luxury properties. In her new role, Even will strategize sales and marketing initiatives to maximize hotel revenue and strengthen the Bellagio brand in the market. Even committed herself to hospitality as she acquired a Master Degree in Hotel and Tourism Management from Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has an outstanding professional background, having held various prominent positions in a number of renowned international hotels including Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai, The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai. She brings an extensive exprience in Marketing, Sales, Events and Revenue Management. “We are delighted to welcome Even to the company. Her proven track record of strong leadership and revenue delivery makes her a great asset to our team. We are confident Even’s remarkable leadership skills will continue to reaffirm Bellagio by MGM Shanghai position as the leading hotel in the market and keep delivering ‘Nothing Short of Unforgettable’ experience to our guests.” says Ms. Jenny Zhang, General Manager of Bellagio by MGM Shanghai. 10、青岛嘉年华广场大酒店任命酒店房务总监——李兢先生 青岛嘉年华广场大酒店近日任命李兢(Lawrence Li)为酒店房务总监(Director of Rooms),全面负责酒店客房部,前厅部和防损部的运营工作。 坐落于美丽的青岛西海岸经济新区唐岛湾上的嘉年华广场大酒店,拥有538风格雅致的房间,其中包含138间海景&城景套房。担任新职务后,李兢先生将致力于打造一支积极热忱的房务部队伍,以及为每一位来店客人带来独特并难以为怀的体验,展现酒店独到魅力。 Hotel Plaza Carnival Qingdao is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Lawrence Li as Director of Rooms Division. Lawrence will be responsible for daily operations of Housekeeping, Front Office and Loss Prevention departments. Mr. Lawrence Li graduated from the Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute (Beijing Study University) and went to Swiss Hotel Association Hotel Management School “Le Roches” for further study. After graduation, Lawrence worked in various hotels in Europe and the United States for many years. The valuable working and learning experience in these different cultural backgrounds make him pay more attention to humanistic care when serving different customers. After returning to China in 2003, Lawrence joined the Renaissance Beijing Hotel as an important member of the Front Office Department. He was honored as an important member of this first Renaissance brand hotel in China of Marriott Hotel Group. In the process of customer service and management team for nearly 20 years, Lawrence always adhered to the concept of "customer first, humanized management", successfully led the team to complete the reception tasks of politicians from various countries and international large-scale events for many times with exceptional performance. Located in the beautiful Tangdao Bay of Qingdao West Coast New Economic District, Hotel Plaza Carnival Qingdao has 538 elegant rooms, including 138 ocean view & city view suites. After taking up his new position, Mr. Lawrence Li would like to devote himself to building an active and dedicated rooms division team, with a view to bringing a unique and unforgettable experience to each guest, showing the unique charm of the hotel. 11、青岛嘉年华广场大酒店任命餐饮总监——钱剑坛先生 青岛嘉年华广场大酒店近日宣布任命钱剑坛(Andy Qian)为酒店餐饮总监(Director of Food & Beverage)。 钱剑坛先生拥有12年酒店行业经验,在广州香格里拉大酒店开启了他的酒店生涯,因此激发了对调酒的热爱,开始了他的调酒师之旅。之后加入万豪集团威斯汀酒店,负责餐饮运营;亦曾加入广州索菲特大酒店,参与酒店的筹开及运营工作。凭借他出色的运营管理经验,多次获得酒店行业嘉奖,他带领的团队打造“超优客评”称号,餐饮服务广受客人好评。他还曾在酒店管理集团及多个集团酒店担任宴会经理、西餐厅经理、餐饮经理、餐饮副总监职务,负责餐饮部的整体运作及筹备工作,包括三亚万丽度假酒店、漳州温德姆至尊豪廷大酒店、广州花园酒店(南沙)、福州威斯汀酒店。 履新后,钱剑坛先生将全面负责嘉年华广场大酒店整个餐饮部的管理工作,我们相信在他多年的工作经验下,餐饮部团队打破常规、突破自我,刷新顾客的用餐体验,与每一个顾客共同迎来一个全新的面貌。 Hotel Plaza Carnival Qingdao has announced the appointment of Andy Qian as Director of Food & Beverage. With 12 years of experience in the hotel industry, Andy started his career in Guangzhou Shangri-La Hotel and later joined The Westin Marriott as Food & Beverage operator. After that he joined Sofitel Guangzhou Hotel and participated in the hotel pre-opening and operation. With his excellent operation and management experience, he got many awards, his team created the title of "Super Excellent customer comments". He also worked in hotel management group and multiple hotels as a banquet manager, western restaurant manager, and Food & Beverage manager, assistant Director of Food & Beverage in charge of Food & Beverage pre-opening and operations, including the Renaissance San Ya Resort &Spa, Zhangzhou WYNDHAM GRAND Plaza Royale Zhangzhou, Garden Hotel LN, and the Westin Fuzhou Minjiang. After assuming the new post, Andy will be fully responsible for the management of the whole Food & Beverage of the Hotel Plaza Carnival Qingdao. We believe that with his work experience, the Food & Beverage team will inspire inner energy to fresh your normal experience, bring you some really difference. 12、苏州吴江敏华希尔顿逸林酒店任命商务发展经理——孙晨暄先生 近日,苏州吴江敏华希尔顿逸林酒店正式任命孙晨暄(Billy Sun)先生为商务发展经理,全面负责酒店销售、市场推广、收益管理工作。 孙晨暄先生曾就职于香格里拉、万豪等国际知名品牌,累积了丰富的销售管理经验,具备敏锐的市场洞悉力以及出色的团队领导力。相信凭其出色的领导力、对市场的敏锐度、专业的销售技能和充满激情的工作态度,能带领酒店市场营销团队不断开拓市场、共创佳绩。 苏州吴江敏华希尔顿逸林酒店位于江苏省苏州市吴江经济开发区运东大道,毗邻京杭大运河。酒店拥有三百余间时尚雅致的客房和套房,所有客房均配备齐全的现代化设施,舒适的办公休息区域,45英寸液晶电视,以及免费高速网络覆盖,房内即可欣赏别致的运河风光。 13、佛山希尔顿酒店任命酒店行政总厨——肖力先生 近日,佛山希尔顿酒店任命肖力先生为酒店行政总厨,全面负责酒店厨房的整体运作及管理。 肖力先生从事厨房烹饪工作19年,有着8年行政总厨工作经历的他,拥有精湛的烹饪技术和丰富的团队管理经验。他足迹遍布亚洲多地如新加坡、马尔代夫等国,为世界各地食客烹制美味佳肴。他擅于创新及专研,多年来潜心学艺,曾跟随法国、意大利、日本、泰国、越南籍等国际名厨学习烹饪技巧,精通法国菜、地中海菜、东南亚菜及创意混合菜,尤其擅长低温烹饪技法,拿手菜式众多,如低温慢烤新西兰羊排、帕马森芝士奶油意面、青芥末蛋黄酱焗生蚝等多道菜肴,屡获食客好评。 肖力先生的从业经历和佛山希尔顿酒店完美契合,佛山希尔顿酒店拥有御玺中餐厅、誉日本餐厅、OPEN開全日制餐厅三大不同类型餐厅的,他将把自己多年来的所见、所识、所悟传授给自己的团队成员,并带领他们一同研制更多创新味蕾的美味佳肴,让佛山希尔顿酒店在佛山美食界中的地位更上一层楼,口碑更响亮。 来源:酒店高参(ID:eHotelier) 免责提示:部分文章系网络转载,仅供分享不做任何商业用途,版权归原作者所有。部分文章因转载众多,无法确认原作者的,仅标明转载来源。如有问题,请加微信:marklium,我们会立即删除,并表示歉意,谢谢! 责任编辑:
