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学霸君的第1333篇文章 本文共2655字 预计阅读7分钟 今日学习目标 今日导读:何以解忧唯有暴富 翻译课堂:你不理财财不理你 拓展学习:有钱真能使鬼推磨 外刊打卡:金融时报理财分析 今日导读 何以解忧?唯有暴富! 最近,围绕三胎的话题又频上热搜。 但现在的年轻人想要生孩子的意愿越来越弱。不少人都用 “何以解忧?唯有暴富!”自我调侃。 这些人有的对恋爱已没有指望,只想安安静静发财,有的认为脱单不如脱脂,脱脂不如脱贫。 但很多人在理财的时候,总是很心急。短期买入又卖出, 一顿操作猛如虎,一看收益二百五。


翻译课堂 你不理财,财不理你 当大家陷入财务焦虑时,不少金融机构就开始“忽悠”你去理财,而他们最常用的经典话术就是 “你不理财,财不理你”。 这句话之所以被反复提及,主要是因为使用了文字游戏,而且读起来也朗朗上口,当然这些优点也构成了翻译时的难点。 某外资银行曾采用下面这则文案当广告: If you don't manage money, money will manage to leave you. 如果采用这则文案来翻译“你不理财,财不理你”,也是非常贴切的。 # 你不理财 “manage”在词典中的一个解释是“明智地使用金钱”,常见的搭配有“manage one's resources”(节约使用钱财);“manage money”(管理钱)实际上是“manage money matters”(管理有关钱的事务)的简略说法,即理财。 # 财不理你 “manage”后接动词不定式也是常见的用法,意为“设法做到某事”:He managed to come on time. 他设法及时赶到了。 后半句从措辞考虑:钱是无生命的,这里也不是修辞上的拟人,钱自己不会设法,但可简化为“离开你”。但是考虑到这是一则广告词,而汉语又是形合语言,所以该条英语广告文案干脆可以译为: 你不理财,财不理你。 拓展学习 有钱能使鬼推磨! purse strings 金钱的支配;财政大权 Dad holds the purse strings in our family. 我们家的钱由爸爸掌管。 money to burn钱多的是;富得很 Dick's uncle died and left him money to burn. 迪克的叔叔死了,给他留下了花不完的钱。 wheel and deal在政界或生意场所等纵横捭阖;运用金钱或权势谋取私利 The biggest wheelerdealer in the state has many friends in high places in business and government. 州里这位最有权势的人物在商界和政界都有很多身居要职的朋友。 Money makes the world go round. 金钱驱使世界运转;有钱才能办成事。 John has outstanding plans, but he will never succeed in implanting them, because he lacks the capital. We had to remind him that "money makes the world go 'round." 约翰有极好的计划,但却因缺少资本而永远不可能成功地实施。我们不得不提醒他:“有钱才能办成事。” 外刊打卡 金融时报理财分析 The Financial Times The more that people love money, the more money they actually lose. And we define the love of money by asking a series of questions, to test their emotional attachment to money. That's really what it's all about. 越喜爱金钱的人,失去的钱越多。我们对爱钱的定义,是通过一系列问题测试人们与金钱的情感关系。这基本就能反映他们的爱财程度。 If you love money, you are more susceptible to three major behavioral bias categories that we found. 我们发现,如果你爱钱,你更容易受三大错误行为偏差的影响。 First is you are much more susceptible to instinct gratification. In case you want a cocktail party term, this is hyperbolic discounting, much more susceptible to the instinct gratification. So you want the money, you want the money now, and you are much less willing to set enough money aside to, say, a comfortable retire. 第一类行为,你容易受到及时行乐的影响,对应的浮华专业辞藻是双曲贴现。指的是,你想要钱,你会想马上得到。通常不情愿为舒适的退休生活而存钱。 The second category that we found is looking at this hyper active sort of behavior around trading frequency. 第二类行为是极度活跃的交易频率。 They trade too often, they watch the market, which leads to the third behavior that we saw, which is very susceptible to greed and fear based motives, their tendency to buy high and sell low depending upon what the markets are doing. 他们过度频繁地交易并紧盯市场,这也导致他们的第三大错误行为:基于贪婪和恐惧采取行动,这就是他们高买低卖的原因所在,完全依附于市场动态。 It's irrational love of money that could create opportunities for the rest of us. Wall Street has turned into a great financial center by exploiting the greed and avarice of others. So what will we do about this? 对金钱非理性热爱,给其他人创造了大量机会。华尔街通过利用他人的贪婪与贪财本质,已经成为了一个伟大的金融中心。那么我们应该怎么做呢? Focus on the goal, 专注于目标! the ends not the means. 专注结果,而非手段! 责任编辑:
